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Edinburgh Primary ~ a community school with a passion for the arts!

See our Arts update for all developments in music, art, drama and dance!

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Y1 trip to the Pump House

14th November 2024


Today, our year one children visited the Pump House, finding out lots of interesting information during their visit.  We can't wait to read all about it!

Y6 trip to Ragged School Museum

13th November 2024


On Wednesday, our year six children took a trip out to the Ragged School Museum to complement their current topic ‘Revolution’.  After a long day and a journey back to the Victorian era, they certainly did return to Edinburgh with a smile.

Odd Sock Day

12th November 2024


Odd Socks Day was a great success with children and teachers across the school wearing odd socks to celebrate diversity and inclusion. So many children and staff came to school in their odd socks to support anti-bullying day.  Children spent time exploring the theme of respect and created some really fantastic, collaborative art pieces.


1st November 2024


Next week, the school council will also continue to sell poppies and wrist bands in school at the end of each day.  If your child would like to buy one then please send in the correct change with them.  Items are priced at 20p, 50p or £1.00. 

Y4/5 local habitat workshop

18th October 2024


Today, our year 4/5 children go to take part in a habitat workshop and had a fantastic time-we can't wait to hear about it in the class corner edition.  It is great to see this additional local visit. All Children will be on a school trip next half-term.

PTA cake and uniform sale

11th October 2024


It was great to see so many of you at our Cake, Costume and Uniform Sale! We managed to raise approximately £200, which is fantastic! A massive thank you to all who baked cakes, donated costumes and came out to support the PTA.  



Prefects 2024

19th September 2024


We are pleased to present our 2024-25 Edinburgh Primary School prefects. Just like last year, the prefect roles give our Year 6 children the opportunity to develop their leadership abilities and sense of responsibility in readiness for secondary school. As part of the selection process, all the children in Year 6 were invited to complete an application form for the posts advertised. From the applications received, a shortlist of applicants was approved by the Year 6 teachers and the senior leadership team. Pupils were selected for their ability to lead by example through exemplary good manners and behaviour. The selected names were announced and received with a lot of excitement.


So far, the prefects have received their handbook, code of conduct contract and are already very active in their roles. They will be given badges and ties that identify them to staff, pupils and visitors. We expect our Edinburgh prefects to take their role seriously. A prefect’s role is varied and to be awarded a School Prefect badge is considered to be a real privilege. It also gives the younger children something to look forward to in Year 6.


Our prefects will be assisting in the management of the school; showing visitors around the school; working with classes during break times; leading and supervising the use of school equipment; leading and participating in school events; helping the Headteacher with new parent afternoons and directing pupil movement at key times during the school day.   


The prefects selected and positions are as follows:




Head Prefects



Playground Prefects

Adam S (Head of playground team)

Stefan M




Dorothy – (Head library team)

Safwaan A



House captains

Eliana - Sapphire

Hudhayfa – Ruby

Cosmo – Emerald

Aisha - Diamond


Do join us in wishing our prefects a successful tenure. We know they will be fabulous!

Swimming lessons

4th June 2024


This week, our year six children begin their second round of swimming lessons. We are really pleased to be able to offer four weeks in total and this means that many of our children leave primary school with good swimming skills.

Library visits

24th May 2024


It was great to see our year 4/5 children off out to go to the local library today.  Next term, we will continue the visits with our year 2/3 children. Each child, with parental permission, will be enrolled in the library and get their very own library card to use in the future.  We continue to stress the importance of reading with your child at home and if you have any questions about reading, do see your child’s class teacher.

Police workshop for year 6 parents and carers

21st May 2024


It was great to see so many parents at the parent workshop this evening.  Huge thanks to the officers who provided such a great presentation - so informative and helpful for our parents.

Parent workshop ~ supporting your child's reading at home

21st May 2024


It was great to see so many parents at the training today.  Reading is such a crucial skill and by working together, we can ensure that we are supporting children consistently at home and school.

Walk to School Week

20th May 2024


Please join in with our walk to school week! Help our wonderful world and also stay healthy!

PTA cake and uniform sale/summer fayre

17th May 2024


Thanks to everyone who supported the cake and school uniform sale last week. We raised £169.69!


With the summer fayre approaching, we are asking if any families would be happy to host an estate agent board in your front garden. Central Estate Agents will donate £15 to the PTA for every sign that a parent or carer is willing to host for the 4 weeks leading up to the Summer Fair on Friday 28th June.

The Big Plastic Count

3rd May 2024 


The objective of the Big Plastic Count was to count the amount of plastic waste in our school for a week and to think about how to reduce, reuse and recycle more. Everyone in Edinburgh Primary is helping the school environment by recycling, therefore supporting the community. We hope that everybody will continue to recycle and reuse as much plastic as possible. We will keep you updated on what we are doing to reduce, reuse and recycle our plastic waste. As an eco-school, we are really proud of everyone’s effort to participate in this challenge.  By the Science ambassadors, (Sumayyah and Malachi) and Head boy (Kaelan)

PTA cake and uniform sale

10th May 2024


On Friday 10th May we are running a Cake and School Uniform sale @ 3:15 in the school playground - donations and cakes welcome!

Online safety

3rd May 2024


Today, Ms Salam led a parent workshop around online safety and age restrictions for messenger apps.  If you were not able to make the workshop but would like support, please do contact the school office.

End of term report

24th April 2024


This evening, you will have received your child’s spring term report. We have seen some fantastic progress these last two terms and a huge well done to all children for all their hard work.

PTA meeting

22nd April


There will be a PTA meeting on 22nd April at 9am at the school to run through the terms’ events - please come along if you can.

Ofsted Report 20th-21st March

24th April 2024


Our Ofsted report is now on our school website so if you know of any friends looking for a school for their children, please do encourage them to take a look! 

Wellbeing Warriors!

8th March 2024


Today in assembly, it was great to see our wellbeing warriors receive their pin badge. Well done children!











Take Notice





Be Active




Take Notice




Be Active



















Take notice




Be active




Keep learning












Take Notice



Be Active




Keep Learning




PTA update

8th March 2024


Thanks to everyone who baked, donated and bought at last week’s Costume and Bake Sale - we raised £97! This will go into the PTA account towards future school events.

Y4/5 trip out to the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park

8th March 2024


This week, our year 4/5 children enjoyed an enriching experience while visiting The Queen Elizabeth Olympic park. The children were able to put their classroom learning into use: map reading, coordinates, physical features of the environment and much more. 

Book week 2024!

8th March 2024


Book week has been fantastic and the children had so much fun dressing up, guessing the mystery reader and so much more. It was wonderful to receive a visit from Sabine who talked so enthusiastically about her career as an author; I know this inspired so many children.  The book fair will be open for the first part of next week so do come along if you have not already done so. 

Parents' Evening

6th-7th February 2024


The parents’ meetings this week were a real success as well. The uptake was the greatest we have had for some time and we have received so much positive feedback – thank you!  

Online Safety Week 2024

5th February 2024


All week, we are shining a spotlight on online safety. Children will be learning about this very important aspect across all year groups and will also attend an online safety assembly so that they can deepen their understanding. 

Children in Need Fundraiser

24th November 2023


I am pleased to say we raised £323.23 for Children in Need – thank you all for your donations to this good cause.

Year 4/5 trip to the Queen Elizbeth's Hunting Lodge

22nd  November 2023


This week, our 4/5 classes visited the hunting lodge at Chingford.  They had an absolutely fantastic time and were not stopped by the chilly weather!  This was the perfect end to their Tudor topic.

Year  R/1 visit to school from the Victorian Toy Workshop

20th November 2023


Today, the children enjoyed their visit from the Victorian Toy Workshop.  They had fun learning about toys from the past and it was a great way to round off their unit of work.

Children in Need sponsored event and cake sale

17th November 2023


This year for Children in Need, pupils at Edinburgh have taken part in a sponsored ‘bearpee’ event.  A burpee is a two-part exercise involving a press-up followed by a leap into the air – it may sound easy but doing several in a row can be quite exhausting!  Well done to reception Pear who managed to complete the most bearpees! Also, thank you for all your donations today and well done to all the children who helped make the cake sale such a success.  Next week, we will share the amount of money we managed to raise for Children in Need.  

Eco Councillors attend 'The Big Climate Conversation'

16th November 2023


Edinburgh Eco Council visited Greenleaf Primary School to take part in the Big Climate Conversation – a part of Waltham Forest’s drive to make its schools and other public buildings carbon neutral by 2030. Children discussed this year’s topic, “Less Flooding, More Wilding” and talked about ways we can decrease the chance of flooding in our area. They also completed a survey.

Anti-bullying Week 2023

13th November 2023 


This week is National Anti-Bullying week and this year’s theme is ‘Make a noise about bullying!’ During the week we will explore the different ways we can raise the alarm if we are subjected to bullying or if we witness to someone else being bullied. Anti-bullying week has lots of links to Children’s Rights, in particular Articles 2,12 and 19 of the Charter. The Week began with Odd Sock Day today where Children wore mismatched socks of their choice to celebrate how we are all different and all special.

Parent English Classes at Edinburgh

7th November 2023


Today, our parent English classes began, with Ms Sheikh leading the session.  Parents will be learning how we teach phonics and the sessions will also be a good chance for parents to meet other parents.

Year 4 trip to the British Museum

27th June 2023


Today, year 4 went on their summer trip to the British Museum.  This half term, year 4 children have been learning about Ancient Egypt so this trip was a great chance to see real life artefacts. 

Year 6 Bikeability

26th June 2023


This week, many of our children begin their bicycle training with the Bikeability team. Children will begin their training in the playground and will then move to cycle around the local area.  This is a fantastic opportunity for our children and will prepare them well for secondary school.

Summer Fair 2023!

24th June 2023


On Saturday, we held our amazing summer fair. There was a bouncy castle, live performances (from the orchestra and choir), raffle prizes, and an enjoyable art challenge/competition. There were many prizes such as sticky monsters, sweets, football figures, books, frisbees etc.


The school council also held a competition on who could guess how many sweets there were in a large jar. This event was very popular with the winner being awarded the entire jar!


The fayre raised a staggering £1,600. Many thanks to all the parents who worked so hard to make it happen.

World Book Day 2023!

1st March 2023


With the teacher strike tomorrow, we had to move our book day but that didn't stop us! We had a fantastic day and I saw some really great activities happening throughout the day. The activities will continue through the whole week.  We also opened our book fair and were very busy! Thank you to all families who came along.

Healthy Eating at Edinburgh!

20th February 2023


Today, we joined the national campaign to get kids eating more vegetables ‘Eat them to Defeat Them'. Children were really excited to receive their reward chart and stickers.  We also handed out stickers at lunchtime. We are looking forward to handing out even more stickers in the coming weeks.

Safer Internet Day

9th February 2023


Today was a focus throughout the school to ensure all our pupils know how to stay safe online.  Many thanks to all parents who attended our workshop - this will be repeated in a few weeks.  If any parents have concerns, please do see Ms Butt, our computing leader.

Homework Parent Workshop

2nd February 2023


It was great to see parents at our workshop today.  If you would like to know more, please do contact the school office and ask to make an appointment with Ms Bergin.

School Council Elections

2nd February 2023


Today, Edinburgh Primary School went to the polls. After a week of canvassing and campaigning, pupils across the school were keen to exercise their right to elect two school councillors for their class.  One boy and one girl were elected to represent each class. They then decided who would be an Eco-school councillor and who would be a Rights Respecting School councillor.

Online Safety Parent Workshop

26th January 2023


It was great to see parents at our workshop today.  If you would like to know more, please do contact the school office and ask to make an appointment with Ms Butt.

Big Garden Bird Watch

23rd January 2023


This week, we started our big bird watch - the RSPB’s survey of counting the number of birds seen within an hour on the school grounds.  Year 3 were lucky enough to also carry out some counting at Queen’s Road Cemetery to see if we would see a different range of birds there. Edinburgh pupils are already inspired by the natural world and we are looking to see as many different types of birds as we can!

National Handwriting Day

23rd January 2023


We started our week by celebrated National Handwriting day. National Handwriting day is a day to celebrate the power of the written word. All around the school, children published beautifully written work and showed a great sense of pride! 

Phonics Parent Workshop

12th January 2023


It was great to see parents at our workshop today.  If you child is struggling to read and you would like some support, please do contact the school office and ask to make an appointment with a member of staff.

Planting Bulbs at Edinburgh

9th January 2023


As part of Eco-Schools Green Flag Award, our PTA worked with our Eco Councillor team and teachers to plant approximately 400 bulbs in the school grounds.  As the plants grow, the bio-diversity of the school grounds will continue to improve and more insects will be attracted. In turn, this will attract other wildlife, especially birds.  We planted daffodils, tulips, crocus, alliums “Purple Sensation” and “Star of Bethlehem”.  The bulbs were very kindly donated by Queen's Boundary Community Gardening Group. Thank you! 

Mental Wellbeing Week

9th January 2023


The wellbeing of the school community remains at the heart of Edinburgh Primary. This week, the school launched a mental health and wellbeing drive through the Five Ways to Wellbeing.  The children have been learning and practising activities related to the Five Ways to Wellbeing and this will continue as part of our whole school approach.


The Five Ways to Wellbeing are: Connect, Take Notice, Be Active, Keep Learning and Give. 


In addition to The Five Ways to Wellbeing, this week we have recognised how RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS can support wellbeing. The children have taken part in a random acts of kindness challenge completing random acts such as helping tidying the school without being asked, playing a game with someone who is on their own or telling a joke to make someone laugh.  Well done to all classes!   

Edinburgh Prefects Selected!

16th December 2022


I am pleased to present to you Edinburgh Primary School’s prefects. The prefects’ team was created to give our Year 6 children the opportunity to develop their leadership abilities and sense of responsibility in readiness for secondary school. As part of the selection process, all the children in Year 6 were invited to complete an application form for the posts advertised. From the applications received, a shortlist of applicants was approved by the Year 6 teachers and the senior leadership team. Pupils were selected for their ability to lead by example through exemplary good manners and behaviour. The selected names were announced and received with a lot of excitement.


So far, the prefects have read their handbook, signed their code of conduct contract and are ready to go. They will be awarded badges and ties that identify them to staff, pupils and visitors. We expect our Edinburgh prefects to take their role seriously. A prefect’s role is varied and to be awarded a School Prefect badge is considered to be a real privilege. It also gives the younger children something to look forward to in Year 6.


Our prefects will be assisting in the management of the school; showing visitors around the school; working with classes during break times; leading and supervising the use of school equipment; leading and participating in school events; helping the Headteacher with new parent afternoons and directing pupil movement at key times during the school day.   


The prefects selected and positions are as follows:




Head Girl


Head Boy


Corridor Prefects





Playground Prefects





Head librarians



House captains







Do join us in wishing our prefects a successful tenure. We know they will be fabulous!

Winter Fayre Update

Friday 9th December


Huge thanks to our PTA and all who supported our Winter Fair this year.  Including the money from the Estate Agent boards, an amazing £1109 was raised!

Christmas Jumper Day 2022

8th December 2022


Today we all got to wear our Christmas jumpers - we kept warm and got busy making Christmas craft.

Year 6 visit Kenwood House

7th December 2022


Year 6 had a fanstastic time at Kenwood House today. Despite the cold weather, children wrapped up warm and got to explore this property.  One child remarked that he had never been to such a place and thoroughly enjoyed it.  A good time was had by all!

Human Rights Day

5th December 2022


Today Edinburgh held the very first Human Rights Day - a part of working towards our Rights Respecting School status.  The week started with an assembly.  Then, throughout the day, all children explored this special day - particularly the fact that next year will be the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  All children got to create a human rights symbol on a piece of card which will form part of a school collage. We can't wait to see this huge piece of art installed in our corridor!

Christmas Fayre!

2nd December 2022

Today was an amazing treat for our pupils - our PTA organised the best Christmas Fayre to date.  Children visited Santa Claus, enjoyed warm hot chocolates and all to the delightful musical delights from our school orchestra.  The event was a fun-filled festive celebration of community spirit. Cookie decorating, crafting and eating lots of cakes - we can't wait for next year! Thank you PTA!


School Nurse Drop-In Sessions

2nd December 2022


We are happy to confirm that we will be having school nurse drop in sessions at Edinburgh.  These sessions will happen once a month.  If you have any health concerns regarding your child such as; sight, hearing, diet, weight, height, wellbeing, medical, and you would like to speak with or refer your child to the school nurse, please do not hesitate to contact the school office to book for the following dates. 


All sessions will take place from 11:30am-12:30pm, you will be contacted to sign a consent form before the appointment and a time given for you to attend if you so wish.


Dates are as follows:



No February visit due to half term


No April visit due to Easter holidays




Year 5 visit Westminster Abbey

30th November 2022


Year 5 had a great time today at Westminster Abbey.  Children found it particularly interesting as they have been learning about the Tudors in history. The guide at the abbey was very impressed with children's knowledge and remarked that Edinburgh children behaved remarkably well and were inquisitive! Well done year 5!

School councillors visit the Town Hall

25th November 2022


All primary schools in the borough were invited to take part in an event at the Town Hall. Today, were were pleased to see two Edinburgh school councillors make their way to the event and take part in a discussion around creating a youth hub. There were many schools present and we are very proud of Edinburgh students for taking part in this event. We also look forward to a great youth hub in the future!

Edinburgh Tea Time Club for January 2023

25th November 2022


We are thrilled to be offering our own tea-time club as of January 4th 2023.  Children will have access to all school resourcing including ipads, our art, dt and music rooms.  We will be planning lots of exciting creative opportunities and a healthy menu for children to enjoy each evening.  Please contact the school office if you are interested in a space.

Suntrap visits Edinburgh!

24th November 2022


Year R and Year 1 were treated to all sorts of scaly and crawling creatures when suntrap staff visiting, bringing a range of creatures. This tied in with our topic of paws, claws and whiskers. The children had a really great time and we maybe have some zoo keepers of the future! Well done to the children for being so brave!


Children in Need

18th November 2022


We finished off our anti-bullying week with a fantastic charity day for Children in Need – ‘The Great Spotacular!’.  Children came in non-uniform and wore something with spots and had fun whilst helping others. Throughout the day each year group will took part is a sponsored Dance-a-thon to raise money for this very good cause. The event links to Article 27 of the UNICEF convention on the Rights of the Child.

Harvest Festival Donations

16th November 2022



Were you one of the generous people who brought food into school to donate to the foodbank? Today,  school Councillors visited Eat or Heat, our local foodbank at the top of Jewel Road, to drop off all the food that everyone brought in for our harvest festival. Staff at the foodbank were very welcoming and delighted to accept all the food that we collected, so well done and thank you if you made a food donation.

Year 4 trip to Lea Valley

15th November 2022


Year four had a great educational visit to Lea Valley to explore rivers as part of their Rivers and Mountains Topic. The children engaged in an interactive group tour around the River Lea with a Lea Valley education expert to identify the features of a river. Following this, the children had the opportunity to utilise Lea Valley’s bird watching centre.  The children used binoculars to carefully spot different varieties of birds who visit the River Lea and its associated lakes and ponds.  The children reported sighting ducks, herons, gulls, drakes and even the very rare Bittern bird!

Anti-bullying Week

14th November 2022


Today, we started our anti-bullying week with odd sock day!  The national theme this year is ‘Reach Out’. Throughout the week, we will explore types of bullying behaviour, the different roles of those involved and what we should do if we subject or witness to bullying. Anti-bullying week has lots of links to Children’s Rights, in particular Articles 2,12 and 19 of the Charter. 

Eco-School update

7th November 2022


This week, our Eco-School councillors have been working hard to promote their three main areas of focus over the coming year. As a school we are trying to reduce the amount of energy we use, remove unnecessary plastic from our school, and find ways of reusing and recycling our waste.

In school assemblies we explained the 5Rs:


Refuse – for example refusing a disposable plastic shopping bag and using a reusable cloth one instead

Refuse – not taking things you won’t use and avoiding products with lots of unnecessary packaging

Reduce – not buying things in the first place, sharing, swapping and not making the waste in the first place. This can be difficult but it can also save money!

Repair – mending items like clothes or toys instead of buying new ones.

Recycle – making sure that we put paper card bottles and cans in the green recycling bin so that it doesn’t end up in landfill.


We have also been filling our used battery collection boxes and are well on our way to our target of 1000 batteries.  The collection of clean used clothes and pairs of shoes continues. Please put any items in Bertie Bin in the corner of the playground.


2D Trip to Tower Bridge

2nd November 2022


2D got to go out of school to carry out a visit that tied in with their geography topic.  They have recently been learning about human and physical features and got to visit to one of London’s most famous landmarks: Tower Bridge! Children had such a memorable experience and are looking forward to many more educational visits!

Cake Sale

14th October 2022


What a perfect end to the week with our school council selling their hand-decorated cakes to raise money to support others. After a week of learning about human rights, as a part of Rights Respecting Schools, children were keen to make a difference to those in need. Thank you to our council.


Launch of Rights Respecting Schools

10th October 2022


We have started this week with our very first Rights Respecting assembly. During the week, children will work in their classes to put together their class charter.  We are so excited about this initiative and can’t wait to see the impact on our pupils.


Harvest Assembly

3rd October 2022 


This week it's time to think about helping others! In our assembly, we thought about the harvest festival and how we can support the community by helping others. Please do give a small donation of a can of food/other cupboard store items so that we can get a good-sized donation to take to the local food bank. The harvest collection will close at the end of this month.

Respect Assembly

13th June 2022


In our assembly, we have been thinking how we can show respect.  Children discussed how to be respectful to one another and how to treat items respectfully.  We had great fun role-playing how to respectfully treat our friends and got to sing a catchy song at the end of the assembly.  This week, all children at Edinburgh will be thinking about how they are demonstrating this value.

Science Week

10th June 2022


Next week, Edinburgh will be taking part in Science Week.  Science is all about asking questions. By using observation and experiment, we can answer questions and predict what will happen in the future, so for our Science week, we will do just that! We will be asking questions, experimenting, observing, predicting, analysing, drawing conclusions and much more.


Each year group will have an open-ended experiment to carry out and analyse. Reception will look at science in art and will explore pendulum painting. In year one, the children will be looking at colour mixing. Year two will try to help the Gruffalo’s child appear big and scary, whilst year three will try their best to make the ground safe to walk on, by making ice melt as quickly as possible. In year four, the children will be experimenting with chemical reactions and year five will answer the question: How much weight can your boat float? Finally, year six will investigate how to make the best possible slime.


In addition to this, each year group will be given a scientist to research and will have the opportunity to take part in our poster competition.  An exciting, albeit possibly a slightly messy week ahead.

Ezekiel Ewulo visits Edinburgh!

27th May 2022


Today was a fantastic sporting event at Edinburgh. Former British Champion long jumper Ezekiel Ewulo visited Edinburgh, led assemblies and shared his experiences as a professional athlete with the children whilst also leading them through a series of exercises.

Jubilee Celebrations!

26th May 2022


Today was an amazing Jubilee celebration at Edinburgh! We decided today was a good day to launch our new house teams and in line with the Jubilee, our new houses are: Diamond, Emerald, Ruby and Sapphire. The children and staff all came dressed up in their house colours and we got to meet in the playground and get to know our team members across the school. During the day, children got to write letters to the Queen and also designed their own jubilee stamp.  We were also treated to a fantastic jubilee lunch with delicious cup cakes! Ms Ovonlen will be sending the letters to the palace and we do hope to receive a reply!

Walk to School Week

13th May 2022


This year’s National Walk to School Week is taking place 16-20 May. We would like to encourage you to join thousands of children across the country that will be celebrating the benefits of walking. We know that many of our students already walk to school, but we know even more pupils could benefit from walking as it makes them feel happier and healthier and helps to reduce pollution and congestion around our school.


We want to see every child that can, walk to school! Children will earn a gold star sticker for each day that they walk to school. For those children that are unable to walk to school, they can still earn a gold star by walking during their break times at school. Let's get walking!

New clubs at Edinburgh!

2nd May 2022


We are really excited to see two new clubs at Edinburgh - Rhythmic gymnastic for our younger children-Netball for our older girls.  We can't wait to see children enjoying these clubs and making progress, eventually getting to compete within the borough. 

Rights Respecting Schools Award

26th April 2022

The School Council met and have begun work on two awards, one of which is the Rights Respecting Schools award promoted and supported by the United Nations.  At Edinburgh, we will be working to ensure that all members of our community are aware of each of the rights in the convention and to embed these values in every day school life. 

Assembly focus - Athlete visit coming to Edinburgh!

25th April 2022


In Today's assembly, we got very excited about the forthcoming athlete visit due to take place on Friday 27th May. The athlete will be in school from 9am to 12pm.


This is a link to the crowdfunding page, with a message from the athlete and information about the event:

The Edinburgh Primary School Fundraiser - a Community crowdfunding project in London by Sports For Champions UK (CIC) (

Police Officer Assemblies

1st April 2022


This week, the children have each had a year group assembly led by the local police – the age-appropriate sessions have tackled safety outside of school~stranger danger, internet safety etc. This was great timing, with the Easter break approaching.

School Council Termly Review Meeting

31st March 2022


Over the past few days, our school council met for their termly review and planning meeting. This was a great opportunity for the children and they enjoyed the complimentary squash and biscuits for all their hard work! We look forward to seeing our young leaders get to work next term!


Spring Fayre!

26th March 2022


On Saturday, the community gathered at Edinburgh for our first Fayre since covid.  Our PTA did a fantastic job and there were a great range of stalls.  Our school council also led a stall and the activites were fantastic!  The weather was great and we all enjoyed the Edinburgh performances which began at around 2pm.  Our performers took to the stage to showcase what they have been working on this term in the range of clubs and musical lessons that we run here at school each week. 


The show began with our recorder group playing 'hot cross buns', followed by our flute quartet who really played with such confidence and excellent timing.  Next, our ballet group performed a piece of work that gave a special moment for each member of the group to take to the floor for a solo. Finally, we were wowed by our musical theatre group who performed a song from 'Annie'. The acting, singing and movement was extremely high quality and the sheer enjoyment on the children's faces was just a joy to see.  We look forward to the summer fayre!

Red Nose Day

18th March 2022


We had a fantastic day today! Children got to learn about the purpose of RND and also got to dress up as a super hero! Our playground was very busy! Thank you for all donations - we managed to raise £200.  Many thanks to our school council for their participation and fantastic organisation skills!

Swimming Lessons Commence

14th March 2022


Our year 5 children begin their two-week intensive swimming course this today. This is such an important skill for our pupils to master and they will get to a further intensive course next year in year 6.  We can't wait to see you make progress!

Edinburgh Explorers

11th March 2022


As well as having a passion for the Arts, Edinburgh Primary School is incredibly lucky to have many talented scientists. This has led to the formation of a new group; The Edinburgh Explorers. It will be their job to keep the school up to date with the latest scientific and technological news and every half-term they will produce a newsletter to document the incredible advances that are happening on an almost daily basis.


There was an overwhelming response and it has been incredibly hard to pick members of this new group. Some of the applications received were incredible and it has been no mean feat to select our new group. It will be their job to keep the school up to date with the latest scientific and technological news and every half-term they will produce a newsletter to document the incredible advances that are happening on an almost daily basis.

Celebrating World Book Day!

3rd March 2022


We have had a fun packed book week and World Book Day.  All week long, children have been treated to guessing the masked reader, reading challenges and 'drop everything and read' when the prefects blow the whistle in the corridors. We are also pleased that so many families came to our book fair and we managed to raise an amazing £1300!  The commission we received will enable us to top-up our school library-thank you!



Mental Health Week

7th February 2022


To celebrate Children’s Mental Health week (3th – 7th Feb) we decided that we would like to create a piece of art that all children had the opportunity to be involved in.  We asked all our children to produce a single A5 image to help promote how they can help their mental health e.g. through sport, knitting, art etc. The art work has been assembled near our lunch hall to inspire others for many years to come.

Edinburgh Prefects Selected!

4th February 2022


I am pleased to present to you Edinburgh Primary School’s first set of prefects. The prefects’ team was created to give our Year 6 children the opportunity to develop their leadership abilities and sense of responsibility in readiness for secondary school. As part of the selection process, all the children in Year 6 were invited to complete an application form for the posts advertised. From the applications received, a shortlist of applicants was approved by the Year 6 teachers and the senior leadership team. Pupils were selected for their ability to lead by example through exemplary good manners and behaviour. The selected names were announced and received with a lot of excitement.


So far, the prefects have read their handbook, signed their code of conduct contract and are ready to go. They will be awarded badges and ties that identify them to staff, pupils and visitors. We expect our Edinburgh prefects to take their role seriously. A prefect’s role is varied and to be awarded a School Prefect badge is considered to be a real privilege. It also gives the younger children something to look forward to in Year 6.


Our prefects will be assisting in the management of the school; showing visitors around the school; working with classes during break times; leading and supervising the use of school equipment; leading and participating in school events; helping the Headteacher with new parent afternoons and directing pupil movement at key times during the school day.   


The prefects selected and positions are as follows:




Head Girl


Head Boy


Corridor Prefects





Playground Prefects





Head librarians




Do join us in wishing our prefects a successful tenure. We know they will be fabulous!

Netball at Edinburgh

5th January 2022


Our years 4,5 and 6 girls have been learning the fantastic team game of netball in preparation for the introduction of our netball club in the summer term. We are keen to get a team up and running so that we can take part in competitions across the borough!
