Edinburgh Primary ~ a community school with a passion for the arts!
Welcome to Edinburgh!
We are a welcoming community school delivering a tailored learning experience; rich in academic excellence and creative arts. At Edinburgh, we are committed to:
- ensuring a safe, ambitious, aspirational and inclusive learning environment
- developing well-rounded children who are independent thinkers with a sense of responsibility for themselves and others
- ensuring the highest quality curriculum and teaching that supports all learners to reach their full potential with no limits
- promoting and demonstrating equality, diversity and cultural appreciation of the local, national and global communities
A curriculum rich in academic excellence...
With two years of great KS2 SATs outcomes above the national average, we know the strength of our curriculum, teaching and learning. Additionally, the achievement of our more able pupils is outstanding with 40%+ pupils achieving the greater depth of study in grammar, reading and maths. Our phonics programme is also highly effective, ensuring 83% of our children pass the statutory phonics assessment in year one. The RWI synthetic phonics programme is nationally recognised and sets our younger pupils on a very secure start to their love of literacy.
A curriculum rich in the arts...
At Edinburgh, we have developed:
-a school orchestra led by real musicians ~ the East London Music Group
-a partnership with the East London Music Group ~ bringing music to the whole school all year
-a school choir led by a vocalist
-a gallery visit each year
-an annual pantomime
-real opportunities to perform to an audience ~ school fayres, class productions and assemblies
-a half termly art competition to complete at home (with prizes!)
-the offer of a wide range of peripatetic music lessons
-the offer of a wide range of clubs for art, dance, drama, choir and orchestra (and of course several sport clubs-maximising our link with local sports coaches - Salaam Peace)
Developing well-rounded children who are independent thinkers with a sense of responsibility for themselves and others...
We have developed our bespoke and immersive, project-led curriculum (see our curriculum section for more details), which includes weekly PSHE lessons following the 'Jigsaw' project so that pupil well-being is developed systematically. Children have important roles at Edinburgh; we have a vast range of roles in addition to a well-established school council. Prefects, house captains and a range of other roles ensures that our pupils develop a sense of responsibility. We are also passionate about the environment and the beauty of the natural world. Over the summer, two new gardens were added to our school playground. These were designed by our pupils and are now enjoyed by all pupils.
Developing healthy children and working with our community...
We have a long-standing commitment to physical education - with Salaam Peace teaching high quality PE lessons and providing enriching lunch-time activities each day. In addition to this, we have developed our own netball and football teams and will be taking part in borough sporting events this year.
I hope this website provides you with a good overview of all that we do at Edinburgh Primary; however, to get a real feel for our school, please do come and visit us! Nothing can be better than a walk around, seeing children learning in a range of inspiring ways, in a nurturing environment.
Best wishes,
Faye Rider