Policies & GDPR
Edinburgh Primary ~ a community school with a passion for the arts!
- Safeguarding Policy EPS
- Child Friendly Safeguarding Policy EPS
- Child on Child Abuse Policy EPS
- Child-Friendly Child on Child Abuse Policy EPS
- Mental Health and Well-being Policy EPS
- Remote learning and safeguarding Policy EPS
- Online Safety Policy EPS
- Social Media Policy EPS
- Behaviour Policy EPS
- Anti-Bullying Policy EPS
- Attendance Policy EPS
- Searching and Confiscation Policy EPS
- Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Policy EPS
- Children with Health Needs Who Cannot Attend School Policy EPS
- SEND Policy EPS
- SEND Information Report EPS
- LAC Policy EPS
- Equality Objectives EPS
- Equality Policy EPS
- Complaints Policy for managing serial and unreasonable complaints EPS
- School Code of Conduct
- Charging and remissions_Policy_2023 -2025
- GDPR_Children Personal Information Consent Form
- GDPR_Data Protection Policy
- GDPR_EDPS -Privacy Notice Pupils and Parents
- GDPR Parental Consent - an explanation for parents EPS
- GDPR_Personal Data Breach Procedure
- GDPR_School Record retention schedule
- GDPR Subject Access Request Policy EPS
- GDPR_Security measures in Edinburgh Primary
- GDPR Publication Scheme on information - 6.12.23 Freedom of info FOI review 2025.pdf
- GDPR Freedom of Information Policy Dec 23 - review 2025.pdf