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Edinburgh Primary ~ a community school with a passion for the arts!

Edinburgh Pupil Progress 


Our pupils make good progress~Please take a look:


Attainment Results 2024


Our 2024 combined attainment shows an improving trend and we are thrilled with another year of data that is also above the national average.  In December, once all data has been finalised, it will be added to this website.


Phonics also shows an improving trend. 89% of our year 1 children passed the phonics test and are equipped for their next steps. 



Attainment Results 2023


67% of our children achieved the combined expected standard in reading, writing and maths, which is above the national average (NA) of 59%.  


17% of our children achieved the combined greater depth standard in reading, writing and maths.



Reading expected:         81% (73% NA)     

Reading greater depth:  40% 

Writing expected:          75%  (71% NA)       

Writing greater depth:   19%

Maths expected:            83%  (73% NA)       

Maths greater depth:     50% 

Grammar expected:       81%                     

Grammar greater depth 48%


Phonics Screening Results 2023

83% of our year 1 children achieved the expected standard in their phonics test.

Key Stage 2 Sats Results 2022

74% of our children achieved the combined expected standard in reading, writing and maths, which is well above the national average (NA) of 59%.  



Reading                     80% (74% NA)                                                     40% (Greater depth)

Writing                       80%  (69% NA)                                                   17% (Greater depth)

Maths                         88%  (71% NA)                                                    43% (Greater depth)

Grammar                    88%  (72% NA)                                                    48% (Greater depth)


Reading                 107 average scaled score

Maths                     108 average scaled score

Grammar               109 average scaled score



Progress (year 2 to year 6) in reading and maths is also well above the national average. 


Phonics Screening Results 2022

83% of our year 1 children achieved the expected standard in their phonics test (75% NA)
