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Edinburgh Primary School

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Lunch arrangements and break time snacks

Edinburgh Primary ~ A community school with a passion for the arts!


At Edinburgh, our children have a choice of either school dinners, packed lunches or home dinners.

Lunch starts from

Yr R: 11.30-12.30

Yr 1-3: 11.45-12.45

Yr 4-6 12.45-1.45


School meals are cooked on the premises and fulfil all the health schools criteria. This academic year, all children are entitled to a free school meal. This is a great opportunity!


We ask that packed lunches are balanced and based on healthy choices.


Children who are home dinners must be collected and brought back to school by an adult.



Snacks at break time

Break time is a healthy time at Edinburgh. The following are permitted:

-A small sandwich


-Any other food not high in sugar or fat


Chocolate, cakes, sweets or crisps are not permitted


*Please note we are a nut-free school
